Dum Dum Maaro assembled a worldwide gross of Rs 29.8 crores.In despite the frenzy of IPL, the Dum Dum Maaro managed to send a nett weekend of Rs 16.5 million rupees in India and box-office while also encouraging to Rs 6.3 million rupees in the international markets.
DUM Maaro DUM |
This is the third biggest opening for a Bollywood film in 2011, after YAML Paglo Deewana and thanks.
down on Saturday was expected Friday was a holiday, and the numbers were high. Word of mouth on the film increased, and Sunday was a whopping 5.6 crores in the display tools that were more figures Friday Easter holiday box office.
The film has attracted the public in international markets and extrapolation phenomenal U.S. $ 1.4 mn. He obtained the second best opening for a Bollywood film in the U.S. Paglo YAML after Deewana in 2011.
"The film has already recovered its production cost of 22 crores in the first weekend of national and international theater, music (including infinity) and satellite. Driven by the positive reviews and is backed by big words in his mouth, we hope to have a long run on the box office helped by a big release in the coming weeks. "said Vijay Singh, CEO of Star Fox Studios.