After launching the action-packed theatrical film trailer of the Ek Tha Tiger, film director Kabir Khan and his group has come up with the first movie music of the film. The song’s name is Mashallah which was first was released in Mumbai’s well-known Gaiety Cinema last night and tested by none other than celebrity Salman Khan along with enticing Hurricane Katrina Kaif anniversary passes and then it has been submitted in YRF’s formal YouTube web page.
Sexy Katrina in the Song Mashallah |
izzling Chemistry of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif in the Song |
In the songs Hurricane Katrina Kaif anniversary passes and Salman Khan are looking incredible together and their chemical make up is excellent. The songs has been consisting by Sajid-Wajid and wrote by Kausar Munir and sang by enchanting Shreya Ghosal and Wajid. The song’s songs is complete of Persia shades in which Katrina’s tummy dancing is as excellent as Chikni Chameli. As far as Salman Khan is worried, he is in his conventional design as in Dabangg.
The expectation of the Salman’s film fans is at its optimum and it can be recognized wThe expectation of the Salman’s film fans is at its optimum and it can be recognized with the point that when I was composing this content, the music has got already obtained 209,996 audiences on YouTube in just two times. The music as well as film is going to be a big hit definitely in the box-office this season like other Salman Khan’s films. Ek Tha Tiger will hit the cinema on Fifteenth Aug (Independence day) and luckily Eid is also on the same day this season which always delivers lot of money for Salman Khan.