Tamil superstar Rajnikanth, who is currently receiving treatment at Chennai n 'Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre (SRMC), fly to Singapore for further treatment on Friday night.
According to reports, Rajnikanth has been reserved as en''kørestol passager''på a plane to Singapore Airlines. His wife and daughters Aishwarya and Soundarya Latha should accompany him.
Rajnikanth |
Doctors at the hospital is to argue that Rajni is recovering well and is happy.
Rajnikanth, who suffered from viral fever and exhaustion SRMC recently was admitted after being discharged from another hospital where he was treated for an allergic bronchitis and viral fever.
He had suffered from fatigue, 29 April, the first day of filming her new film''Rana''co-time Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone with.
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