Design Poonam Pandey made a big announcement after she published a sequence of smutty toilet secrets' movies on her YouTube direct. The 20-year-old Kingfisher Work schedule young lady is once again back in announcement. This time, Poonam is making it to the news for investing her new bikinis movie to American native indian batsman Virender Sehwag.
Earlier, Poonam Pandey had guaranteed to line down her apparel if American native indian won the world cup, but she had never do so. But the model has now published movies clip, which is used to observe the good results of Virender Sehwag. Named 'Poonam Pandey Increase Cure 219', her newest video is about 2.19 mins long and it is devoted to Virender Sehwag, who obtained 219 in a latest ODI go with and became the globe's greatest personal ranking in ODI.
The movie functions Poonam Pandey in two element dark-colored bikinis and it has been chance in a lawn of a beach-side resort. It reveals her banging her dual resources and traveling by air a hug to the visitors. She looks incredibly hot in the bikinis. However, it seems this is the advertising stop of Poonam Pandey, which is used to cash in on the reputation of Virender Sehwag.
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